Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tues, Feb 10th

Well, I had my 2nd walk/run session today. We ended up doing 1.45 miles in 33 minutes. Hey, it's a start. We missed our organizer though and of course, none of us had a watch or any way to keep time, so we just ran when we felt like it. I know, not the most structured training plan, but hey, my calves are sore today, so we must have done something right. Or wrong, whatever.

I am determined to be running down the strip when I get to Vegas at the beginning of April, so I'm on this whole running plan. And I'd like to be a size or more smaller - this should help.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you don't need me to run, look at you guys! Doing a great job!
