Monday, February 23, 2009

Setting realistic goals

Ok, so in my last post I was getting frustrated. Running was really hurting me and because I was hurting I wasn't doing it long enough to do any good, nor to burn any calories. I think it was just too much too fast on my muscles and joints. I was really, really, "less than couch fit". So, I took some time off running and hit the gym instead. 3 times last week I did an elliptical machine, very similar to this one.
The elliptical is easier on my knees and shins, but still gets my heart rate up and works my muscles, it just seems to do it more evenly versus shooting pains in my shins. I did the "interval" training program, which rotates between two minutes at a higher incline and resistance, two minutes at a lower incline/resistance. Last year when I was working out 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hrs at a time, I could do the interval program for 45-50 minutes, then went and lifted weights, did some core exercises, etc. I hopped on Thursday, set it for 30 minutes. Sounds reasonable, right?

No. F*ck, I couldn't even get through TWO intervals without hurting and had to drop resistance and incline. Wow. Ok, I'm in really bad shape. I was worried. I got through 25 minutes, but it was rough and I had to do a lesser workout overall.

But, I'm happy to report that I did it Saturday and Sunday, and by Sunday, I did the whole 30 minutes without dropping the resistance. No, I didn't go at with the vigor I did last year, but I finished it. I discovered that switching between going forward and backwards gave my calves a break and more worked out my quads and hamstrings. Also important muscles, so if my calves were giving me trouble, I'd switch to backwards.
No, I'm not going to give up on the running. I still have a goal to do the 5K, but being realistic with my fitness level right now, I think I should switch my goal to running at least half of it. We'll see- I'll probably try running again later this week but not until I do the elliptical a few more times. Who knows, maybe once I get a smidge more in shape I can get back on the training schedules and I might surprise myself.

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