Thursday, February 12, 2009

Giving it a rest

Well, when I left work today I was going to gome, change, grab my dog and go for a walk / run. But honestly, my legs are still a little sore. I really don't want to do anything to derail my training for a long period of time - they say shin splints aren't anything to mess with and the only way to fix them is to rest. I know if I take a week off I'll never get going again and I'm really afraid of straining a muscle and putting myself out of commission for a while, so I took tonight off again. My "training week" goes from Monday-Sunday so I still have tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to get in my remaining training sessions. My hubby works all 3 nights so I'm pretty sure I can get in two training sessions.

But, as I logged on to post this post, I read Nat's and I'm so proud of her for going by herself today after work that as soon as I hit "publish post" I'm going to do some core toning exercises, so I don't feel like a worthless bum. Thanks Nat, for keeping me going.....and good job!!!

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