Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Ok, I'm getting frustrated. This morning I got up, stretched, grabbed Layla and went outside. Walked 5 mins, jogged 1 min, walked about 3 (tried to do 90 secs, couldn't do it) jogged one and that's about all I could do. (well, then I walked for another 20 mins) My outer lower leg / shins are killing me. My knee still hurts a little bit. I had wanted this to get easier and thought it would and its not.

The thing is my legs don't always hurt like they did this morning. It seems like every other time, or every two times. I suppose its possible I didn't stretch as well as I needed to, since I was sleeping before that and was of course super stiff. Or maybe I have some knot somewhere that's messing things up. Or maybe my back's out of line. Or maybe I need to walk more at first to really limber up and I didn't give myself the proper amount of time? If I think back, the times where this happens the least is when I walk .8 miles to the long flat stretch of road and do the training there. So, if I warm up for 15 minutes it seems it doesn't hurt? Maybe, its not like I've done it a ton of times and have reference points.

Don't worry-these aren't excuses to keep from exercising. I'm going to keep up the overall training 3 times a week, but I may not be able to make as much forward progress as fast as I wanted. I said this last week, but I guess this morning really drove the point home- I need to hit the gym to so some low impact workouts. (like on the elliptical) Get my muscles and lungs worked out while being less hard on my joints.

Its also possible I need to just try some consistently flat treadmill training - it just seems to silly and mean not to walk my dog when she spends all night and when we're gone in her crate. I don't know.

But I'm not giving up - just frustrated, that's all.

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