Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 2 - just another Day 1, but done

Ok, Day 2 of training done. I'll be honest, I did basically the same thing as Day 1 of training, although I did it on a treadmill without worrying about slipping in melting ice, so I think I jogged a smidge faster. I walked 11 minutes, jogged one, walked 6, jogged one, walked 7 for a total of 25 minutes. I had forgotten there was only supposed to be a 5 minute break in between my jogging sessions. The overall amount of jogging (2 minutes) wouldn't have changed, but the goal is to move towards a 90 second walking break in between jogging. (Which, by the way, is what most "couch to 5K" plans have you start with - sadly, I am evidently "less than couch" fit)

Another confession is I walked really slow in between. REALLY slow-less than 3mph. Not because I needed to walk that slow to catch my breath, but because the area just outside my shins hurts. It either posterior shin splints or weak muscles or bad support. (my step is pronated slightly because I have high arches...I thought my current arch supports were good enough but I guess not) I'm going to do some exercises to strengthen that area and see if that helps in addition to getting some better arch supports.

But I think I'm going to try to add a 4th day to my training-some general low impact cardio, like on an elliptical to give my lungs a workout while giving my knee and shins a must needed break, and some strength training, which is always a good thing.

Don't worry, I don't think I'll cause myself any great injury by sticking to my training plan, I just have to stick it out for a few weeks while my muscles get used to being used again for something other than leisurely mall-like strolls.

If I'm going to stay on track, next time is a 5 minute break, then a 4 minute break, which will mean adding an additional minute of jogging. Wow. The time after next I need to add another minute in??? I can do it. Hopefully you guys find this running thing a bit easier, but if not, if we can get through the first 4 weeks I think it'll be easy sailing.

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