Friday, February 6, 2009

Beating to my own drum

So, yesterday we finally all got together for a training session. About 1/4 way through my shin/calf whatever started hurting very badly. As in couldn't really walk badly. (note, I have NOT bought new shoes yet) I told the ladies to forge ahead, and they did, for a bit, then came back and started walking in the parking lot of a nearby church. Here's the funny part - even though I couldn't walk, I could march. So march I did. Picture this....four girls in a parking lot, two walking together, one walking in a different direction and one marching in the middle yelling "start running" .... "only 30 seconds to go" ..... " you can do it". If I would've drove by I would've died about marching to your own drum!!!!

I digress. The other ladies did good, and jogged one minute, walked 6, jogged one. An excellent training session-for everyone but me. While marching was indeed a workout (and by marching I mean knee lifting marching), and it was good for me, it wasn't training for the 5K. So I felt the need to make up the training session tonight. But, I have a cold and man, the last thing I wanted to do was go walking. Even though it was a beatiful day for February, I woke up every two hours last night, if not more and I was rather sleep deprived. What do you think: did I force myself to do it or not?


I'm blogging like I have something to say so I'm sure you guess that I did make it through a training session, but not without a few hiccups. I found a different pair of shoes, tucked away in my closet. Far less structure, but light so we'll see. I made myself a homemade latte and grabbed Layla and went walking. I get the part of my neighborhood where there are sidewalks, set my stopwatch on my phone, and start jogging. About 20 seconds in my phone rings and it my husband. So I stop jogging to answer it. Ok, well that didn't count as a minute so now I have to do it again. Dang it. Ok, get ready...start jogging. Make it about 10 seconds and see a big ole icy patch, tiptoe around it, and keep jogging....for about 10 more seconds then a car is pulling out of a driveway. Dang it. So I wait...then TWO cars pull out of the driveway. Ok, now my "jogging time" is officially interrupted and once again can't count. Grr.

Try #3- jog for a minute. Ok. That wasn't too bad. I decide I'm going to to make up a workout and see if I can jog after only 4 minutes of walking. 4 minutes later, I jog. That minute seemed a little longer than that first one, but I made it. Allright. Maybe I can make it THREE minutes out of 20? About 4 minutes later, I try it. (I say about because my stopwatch reset, but it was a bit less than a song's worth of time, so 4 minutes, give or take a few seconds.) Wow. That minute was a LOT longer than the last one. I make it through, really pushing myself that last 6 seconds. I had to practically crawl to get my breath back, but eventually it came back. Whew! All in all, I walked 2.5 miles and jogged 3 one minute segments, plus a couple 15-20 second spurts. A long way from jogging a 5k, but all in all a rather successful training session.

Disclaimer-I'm really sure that I walk slower than most people. My legs didn't hurt but I think its mostly because I walked so slow. The shoes might've helped, but its mostly the slower walking.

I'll get better ladies, I promise, and in the meantime, don't let me keep you down!!

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