Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Walking my patootie off

Well, I wish I was anyway. More like walking 3 pounds off......

In Europe we walked an average of 9 miles a day...it was rough. The caluses on my feet will probably need a power sander to remove! However, I'm going to keep it up. I took Sunday and Monday off - my shins and calves were hurting pretty bad, but this morning I got up and took Layla for a walk. It was miserable this morning - so humid!! But, we walked 1.3 miles and after a cool shower I felt great!

My goal after Europe was:

Goal 5: Walk 1 and 1/2 mile 6 days a week until the end of July.

I didn't quite make it that today, but hey, walking. I also have probably missed my "get as close to a 15 or 16 minute mile as possible"....but I'll keep it up. One day I WILL RUN A MILE. (EASILY)

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