Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick update...

Didn't take any walks over Memorial Day weekend - but I was at the lake walking up and down a huge massive hill, so its not like I was sitting on my bum the whole time. Got a little lazy for a day or two after that but am back in the swing of things.... walked yesterday and today. Hoping for a long walk tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Game Plan

Ok, clearly the 5k in April didn't work out. I got caught up with school stuff and didn't put as much effort into training....blah blah, excuses excuses. Then I actually did hurt my knee (totally gave out - fell to the ground - ouch) Now, its less than 3 weeks before I leave for Europe and I've decided on a new game plan: small goals.

Goal 1: Walk a mile (at least) 6 days a week from now until I leave. Good for doggie, good for my knee, good for my energy level. Not that much time committment. I did it yesterday morning and today and honestly, its not that hard to squeeze in the 20 minutes. (Between the dog potty time and the fact I can't walk all that fast, particularly first thing in the morning when my limbs and knee is all stiff, I need to allow for 20 minute walk.) However, even with that small walk, I do feel much better. Also, Nat has a Walking Incentive Program at work and this ties in nicely.
Goal 2: Try to walk faster to as close to a 15-16 minute mile as I can.
Goal 3: Include a couple long walks to gear up for all the walking we'll do in Europe. I want to add in at least one 2-3 mile walk a week, hopefully more, but at least one a week.
Goal 4: Walk my arse off in Europe. (easy to obtain, as we aren't renting a car)
Goal 5: Walk 1 and 1/2 mile 6 days a week until the end of July.

And that's all I'm going for at this time - at the end of July I will assess how I've been doing. Hopefully I've exceeded my goals and my knee is much stronger and I can even think about starting a running program because I do have one more goal - run an easy mile by the end of the year. ("easy mile" defined as I'm not limping during or afterwards) Of course, I still want to run a 5K, but I don't want to overwhelm myself - my knee just can't handle even thinking about that much stress right now. So, small goals it is. I'll keep you posted.